Me and all the labels that I carry with me!


Krystyna, Krys or Krysia Korsak. That’s Me. Thought l should say a bit about myself as l am very new to blogging…but not completely new to writing. Β My name…Polish, both parents from Eastern Poland coming to Britain via Stalins’ Siberian work camps, the Polish Free Army and Monte Casino. They were both tailors in London where l was born into a large Catholic Polish Community, speaking Polish first and immersed in Polish folk customs. From 11 to 16 l was a boarder at a Polish Convent School for girls. At 16 l enrolled at a very large mixed Comprehensive to do my A levels in Dunstable and to widen my view of the world!

l trained as a teacher of Art and R. E. in Warwickshire, later teaching in Canterbury and Chartham. I have 6 children by my 1st husband, 2 daughters born in Kent. In 1987 we moved from Wye, Kent to Paisley, Scotland…having never been over the border. To cut a very long story short, l later went on to have 4 more children, 2 daughters and 2 sons. Along the way, this convoluted journey, l was homeless and bankrupt with 5 children but was luckily given a house with big gardens on 3 sides, in Lanark, Southern Scotland. My youngest son was born here.

The garden was my therapy, my healer, my still quiet space and l set about creating a garden from nothing. It was neglected, uncared for. Many unresolved and painful issues brought about the end of my 1st marriage, and we separated in 2006. Not the place to write about them here…and it wasn’t all bad and it taught me so much and brought me to the place l am now.

Now? I met John over a pint of real ale at an acoustic folk night in Lanark in 2008. We ended up singing together, me playing guitar…instant connection. We married in 2011 at Elgol, on the Isle of Skye. Having previously worked with Autistic adults, we now run our own gardening and landscaping business. I am a church organist, pianist and am learning to play the Β Irish whistle and Oud. We tend our garden organically, try and grow as much of our own produce as we can, look after Bonnie our dog, Hermes and Athena our cats, and Rhiannon, 21, and Ruairi, 17. We have a ton of salt water in our lounge where John keeps a coral reef aquarium, soft and hard corals and various marine fish, shrimps, crabs and snails. That’s another story…

l paint when l can, as you can see, l am now writing when l can, in between cooking vegetarian meals, baking bread etc. making jam, chutney, yoghurt etc etc. We are endeavouring to live a simple life, at a slower pace and shortly when the Scottish weather becomes a little kinder, will start our care taking of gardens once again. We hold a weekly spiritual house group…open to all, all faiths, all backgrounds, all philosophies. I currently play organ at the Episcopal church here but my spiritual path is broadening, as we recently went on a Sufi retreat…and have been stroked with so much loving kindness and compassion, that we are facing in new directions, treading new pathways…

There will be much to share with you all over the coming years…

78 thoughts on “Me and all the labels that I carry with me!

  1. I’m so happy to have journeyed into your great blog, Dear Krys.
    I fell in love your art and your pen.
    My very best wishes for you and your great family,

    Kind regards, ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so very much for your kind uplifting words and your good wishes for us all. It gives me great encouragement to continue to compose with words! You compose beautifully with pen ink crayon and other media. Your artwork is exquisite. Blessings to you and your family also on this journey of life we travel. Namaste.


  2. I am so glad that you stumbled into my sight. As a retired math teacher, I may say that I discovered a common denominator: your love for gardening, your way to express your thoughts poeticly, your search for divine truth in a secular world, just to name a few. My wife is also writing a blog under the promising title ‘This miraculous life’ . You can look her up at

    Liked by 2 people

  3. TouchΓ© Peter. Thank you so much for your encouraging, heartfelt, honest words. They are a breath of fresh air! I will keep doing what I am doing and it is reassuring to know that I AM making connections with folk out there in the ether who feel, think and view the world through eyes like mine. Btw, and I am learning these shortcut ways of writing from my children! This is my second attempt at replying to your lovely message, as the first one was via the stats. Site and the cursor stuck, wouldn’t move and I had to delete. I then came back here, simpler. Cue for a poem methinks. I was brought up with cassette tapes and you wound them up with pencils, ha ha! I will certainly look up your wife, Beine’s site when given a moment. What a lovely name. For now, regards and best wishes to you both. This life is indeed a miracle, but that so quickly gets obscured. Children see it all the time…enough ramblings, time to go.


  4. I am excited to learn that you trained as an art teacher – that would have been my choice in another life. Your life sounds full of hardship, strength, and many blessings. Thanks for visiting my site.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Fascinating story. Great to learn about you, thanks for sharing your story. Thanks for stopping by my page to read and comment; great to connect with you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Grateful thanks. Your time taken to make a connection is so very much appreciated. Comments, input, shared experience, cannot by expressed through the LIKE Button. How refreshing and thank you for your kind words and encouragement.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Krysia
    Thank you, Krysia, on behalf of Daylight Tune Ministry to follow our ministry blog. May our poetry bless your hearts and minds πŸ™‚

    Thank you again to follow my blog and like my poetry. Hope you enjoy it πŸ™‚


  7. I look forward to getting to know you Krysia and exploring your very interesting blog. We too are gardening enthusiasts..small back yard, doing what we can and we have four cats that keep us entertained and recently purchased some bees. I will be back!


    1. Oooooh. Thanks for your reply. I love the sound of the bees…how interesting. Bees are so in decline and you are doing your part to help. It is amazing what you can do in a small space with containers, troughs etc. Great to connect with you too, have a positive week.


  8. Thank you for all your support. I know a few words of polish because I dated a polish person once, and ironically I know have a polish surname! My maternal grandmother was Scottish, and her sister (my great-aunt) lived in a cottage on the Isle of Skye. We have been there. It is not far from the bridge if I recall just opposite the camping site. Or it was a camping site at the time. Sea on one side, mountain on the other, so beautiful! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah Dziekuje…and it never ceases to amaze me what a small world this is once we begin to open up and connect with people. It is wonderful to hear a wee bit about yourself and your amazing connection with Skye and yes that is one very special place. The campsite is still there just over the bridge from Kyle of Lochalsh heading to Broadford. I think you have some special memories from there…I feel that this Blogging thing!!, and I am very new to it, is not just about sharing your thoughts and feelings through writing and putting it out through the ether, and certainly not about collecting thousands of Bloggers and Likes to string along behind your name, but quite simply to connect with people whoever and wherever they are, and if you can help a wee bit, give the TIME, show some compassion, then Bingo! Thank YOU for sharing with me, now that is very special. I hope the day will take special care of you, today. xxx

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Lol…have no idea what made me think you were across the other way? I now have you firmly rooted in that Continent with my dear friend, living in Melbourne. I wish you a peaceful night and a joyous day tomorrow when it comes. Off to garden with my husband. x


  10. Wow
    What a generous sharing of some facets of your life-story

    I’ve never been, but have always wanted to visit Scotland
    So very much looking forward to reading your blog

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! Don’t know about generous…just…that’s how it was and that’s how it is! Simple…nothing to hide and nothing to prove to anyone. Thanks for the connection, really appreciate it. Scotland is magical…Islands, Highlands, Celtic History, a must one day. Very much looking forward to reading your Blog too! Thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. You are most welcome and you have posted up such a varied assortment of writing, poetry and pictures for your 5 day challenge. It takes quite a lot of commitment…and very well done. Another day was spent gardening, yesterday, but I continue to work on the odd poem…just takes a bit longer in the Summer months! The last one was about my daughter going away to start a new life in London…been a roller coaster sort of last month to say the least! Hope you are keeping well, have a bright and cheery day today. : > ) x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Geethu for taking time to drop by…so very kind of you. yes indeed Scotland is wild and beautiful especially the Highlands and Islands. I am very much enjoying following your Blog also…you have a most inspiring site with some stunning poetry. Take good care and many Blessings. : >)

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I really do and apologies for missing the Liebster nomination award which I see was posted around the 15th…! Typical…I am not that PC literate and I have left a reply on the site where you listed your 10 nominations. I have explained my reasoning there and again here I thank you most kindly, I was very touched. Take good care and happy writing, x

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Welcome countryman
    I am also of the Polish
    You are running a blog but interesting and very interesting chistorie describe
    Greetings from Luke with Polish

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wdziecznie Dziekuje za przeczytanie wszystkie moje Blog-i I za slowa zachecajace…Thank you so much for looking over SO many of my posts and for your kind words. Sorry…I do not have the Polish alphabet on here…I hope You can make some sense of these muddled Polish words. My first language was a Polish for the first 5 years of my life…but that was a long time ago. I went back to Poland as a child to visit Dziadek I Babcia in Augustow…gdzie Tata rodzina mieskala przed Wojna…Mamusia byla z Lwowa… Mam fantastyczne wspomnienia Jeziora Suwalki I Bialystok! Bylam czesto w Krakowie, w Warszawie, Zakopany itd. Itd., Moj jezyk Polski jest Bardzo staroswiecki…very out of date as I do not speak it very often!
      Polska to kraj tak piekny I Polacy to lud tak goscinny…I love it…but then even though I was born in London my blood is pure Polish!
      Thank you so much for all your likes and lovely comment. Narazie to Dowidzenia…postaram sie nie za dlugo przegladnac twoj Blog! Gram na organach jutro w kosciele tak ze dzisiaj czas na wprawe…czesc Lukasz! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Teraz siΔ™ zastawiam czy mam pisaΔ‡ po Polsku czy po Angielsku ? πŸ™‚
        Jak siΔ™ ciesze ΕΌe tyle do mnie napisaΕ‚aΕ›.
        Jestem zachwycony tym że grasz na organach. Ja jestem ze stron zachodnich czyli okolice Szczecina. Bardzo miło mi było i jest poznać mam nadzieje że będziemy w kontakcie
        Pozdrawiam z bardzo gorΔ…cej Polski (dziΕ› bardzo upalny dzieΕ„)
        (english version)
        Now I wondering, if I write in Polish or English? πŸ™‚
        How I am glad that you wrote so much to me.
        I am delighted that you play the organ. I am from western parties or around Szczecin. I was very pleased to get to know and I hope that we will be in touch
        I greet with very hot Polish (today a very hot day)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Dzien dobry ze Szkocji… Tutaj duzo duzo deszczu I grzmoty z pioruniami! Lots of thunderstorms after the hot weather we have also been having. Pamietam dobrze gorace lata w Polsce nad jeziorem w Augustowie…I oparzenie sloneczne!

        My Polish is now very poor and I sometimes struggle to find the right words and often my grammar is wrong, I know! But I like to keep up some connection with the Polish language…
        Thank you once again for looking over my Blog. I wish you well and a very enjoyable Polish Summer. Best Wishes! πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Witaj
        U mnie pogoda podobna do twojej.
        W weekend byΕ‚y upaΕ‚y a obecnie burze i deszcze
        Pozdrowienia dla ciebie i miΕ‚ego nowego tygodnia
        (english version)
        For me the weather similar to yours.
        At the weekend was the heat and the storms and rains now
        Greetings to you and have a nice new week

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Dziekuje and Thank You so much. I am very busy trying to garden when it is not raining! My husband, John and I run a self employed gardening business…this is our busy season…we don’t do anything through the Winter…so we get out there now when we can!
        I have a lot more time for Blogging in the Winter. You also have a great week. Quicker for me to write English…Polish VERY slow now…Best Wishes…K πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

    1. …thank you so much, I will try. Very busy gardening just now: John and I are self employed gardeners so busy season just now. I will blog when I can. So glad you enjoyed.., 🌺🌿🌹

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is the iPhone 5 that makes them. My husband picked up a reconditioned one for me yesterday… I just love them too… An extra dimension to express yourself! πŸŒ…πŸŒˆπŸ—» x

        Liked by 2 people

      2. smart phones are beyond my brain’s reach and understanding hahahaha so I use the old cell phone being familiar with the options πŸ™‚


      3. Smart phones are all very well, but I too struggle with technology and know that I do not use all it’s various options to the full. It is also so frustrating to have to keep asking for help as to how to use it…? 😦 ah well…it is all a learning curve! Ha ha ha I will soldier on in my old fashioned way…! Take good care and have a happy week! πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      4. by the way congrats that your husband bought you one πŸ™‚ all youth and children love the gadgets:) my grandchildren and everyone around is busy with it. They make fun of my ignorance πŸ™‚ this era is yours πŸ™‚ we have spent our time πŸ™‚


      5. I am also getting a bit old for all these new fangled gadgets! Still, I will give it my best shot…if just for those lovely little pictures you can add to text! They are lots of fun…and my children are streets ahead of me on the computer front! My Son, Ronan goes into 4th Year at Edinburgh University after the Summer studying Computer Science…what he is doing makes my poor grey cells so confused! Oh and no grandchildren yet…enjoy your wonderful growing family and the week ahead. Much love, joy and blessings be yours, Krystyna. πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Lovely to meet a Scottish compatriot here in WP land where time differences among so many cannot undermine the connections made across the ether. Like you and us all, I guess, I have many labels that would seek to define on the journey but I’m trying here in blogland to be mostly me. πŸ™‚
    I have so enjoyed reading some of your posts while sitting in the garden on a rare sunny Glasgow day. Hubs – the gardener here – has gone running while I appreciate his efforts to keep the slugs at bay and the flowers in bloom.
    I hope to become better acquainted with you via your blog and thank you for some lovely thoughts and humour. Anne-Marie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Anne-Marie for your lovely comment and how wonderful to meet a fellow Scot on my doorstep, although I am not myself a Scot having been born in London of Polish immigrant parents. I moved up from Kent to Paisley in 1987, GULP! and now live in Lanark…tis but a mere stone’s throw away from yourself in Glasgow. I can almost see you from my window as I look out across Blackwood and a foggy, misty day over the Clyde valley. Today I woke up and tentatively dipped my toe back into WordPress, posted a poem and took a big breath after a long time away. I also look forward to a better acquaintance and hopefully my poem will sort of explain where I disappeared. My good wishes to you and I hope to catch up with followers’ blogs soon. Krystyna πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Hello Krystyna, after a summer of regenerative idleness and total absence from the blog I am trying to reconnect with all my blogging friends. I am a little worried about you, as there has been no activity since your beautiful poem about the snails that had invaded your garden due to a rainy, cool, miserable start of summer in your part of the world. I would really love to have a sign of life from you. Peter

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Peter! I am back all be it slowly and hesitantly and I hope to get back on track soon and see what you have all been up to. Hoping today’s poem will kind of explain where I have been. I do hope you and all your family are well after your restful break. My good wishes to you all, as ever… πŸ™‚


  16. Hello Krys! I haven’t seen you for long and thought I should come look for you. Finding that I had read and commented on your last post, I decided to revisit the ‘about page’;. Last time I liked but did not comment. You have shared a thrilling story about yourself which I enjoyed reading. . Your challenging experiences I see have made you a strong woman with great writing skills. My prayer is that God may continue to strengthen you and make your light shine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good Morning! Thank you for looking for me and thinking of me…I am re emerging very very slowly but this time I hope to be a little more strengthened against what life might throw at me. Late Summer and Autumn were incredibly busy and I now realise that you cannot be creative and true to your creativity without stillness, silence, and time to pause and reflect. Hoping this finds you and your family well and happy… πŸ™‚


  17. Your story is inspiring and moving.

    You seem like a good and interesting person to talk to.

    I see you also like to write poetry? And I see your love gardening. I’m assuming your vegetarian or vegan?

    Anyway, I’m going to be following your page now and read some of your work.

    Hi! I’m Charlie Zero and a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

    Liked by 1 person

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