Storm in a teacup!


and I scattered my poetic potential

upon the vast w.w.w. ( World Wide Waters ) of WordPress.

With hope and eager anticipation

I stirred this exotic and aromatic brew,

held my breath and waited.


for spirit to inspire,  inspiration to take form.


for words to manifest, to gel, to coagulate.


for what was once invisible to become visible.


for my ever present, newly unearthed friends,

those precious vehicles of my innermost BE -ing’s expression

to imbue and emerge.


All Summer long my literary leaves swirled and swelled,

joyfully releasing their colourful, diverse flavours.

I poured them into a myriad of assorted cups,

each holding unique tastes and textures and undertones!

The outpouring was prolific, fast and all-embracing,

my soul’s dance, though unseasoned

reaching mesmerisingly dizzying heights.


And as the first hints of Autumn touched the highs of Summer,

a heaviness and a frustration slowly percolated my poetry pot.

Aspirations and compositions sinking,

sinking down,

sinking slowly down to ever deeper and deeper depths and

there remaining motionless.

Like prospective fossils embedded lifeless in oceanic silt,

spiritless, listless and inanimate,

daydreams expired,

passed away,

perished and bit the dust!

Castles in the air evaporated…


We sheltered there, my thoughts and I,

burrowing gladly into the comforting sands of Time and

on the surface, like the Corryvreckan Whirlpool,

we witnessed the raging self-induced storm of


displaying a frenzied busyness and insanity,

boiling currents trying to pull and draw me in and


sucking joy and carefree abandon from my very existence.

Situations disguised in sinister costumes

hovered menacingly over me…

a delectable cake sitting invitingly on a tea place

I watched and allowed each and every one of them to

cut and remove a slice of me until

all that remained was a solitary little crumb…


Now Winter,

and a glimmer of hope once more.

As the sun rises and sinks beyond a hibernating landscape,

I, like the Philae lander on Comet 67P

am beginning to wake up…

to slowly and gently once again

re-establish lost contact and

optimistically fire on all cylinders.

All systems engaging harmoniously and

at least I didn’t get ALL eaten up!

Hello to all my friends and followers again upon this vast WordPress Ocean!  I hope the above words kind of express the physically demanding Season we have had, gardening, setting up our new business, building a client base, family to stay and a whole host of other circumstances that appear across this tapestry we call Life.

Having withdrawn for such an extended time…I almost felt afraid to log back on here and resume my Blog. Hey! I have done it and I sincerely hope that I find you ALL well and hearty as we here approach the festive Christmas Season…which is yet another huge slice of cake that could be taken from my tea plate…If I let it! Herein lies the Secret.

Please bear with me, my return will be somewhat slow and unsteady and my apologies to all who tried to contact me and to new followers who did not get thanked. All will happen in due course. My good wishes to you all!