Tree of Golgotha

How did you feel when they chose you,

chose you to carry our Lord Jesus Christ?

Did your sap leap for joy as it flowed through

or fall still with grief at such sacrifice?


How did you feel when you watched from afar

as bloodied in pain, our Lord carried the wood?

Your foot driven deep into the Hill Golgotha

shouts with cries rising, as with patience you stood.


Was the air heavy laden with agony

of torture and torment, injustice and hate?

Your trials by Jew and Rome a mockery,

cruel crucifixion your preordained fate.


Saw you the blood, sweat and tears dripping

from His face and those He held dear?

Venom and scorn unremitting

as Passover pilgrims stood watching in fear.


Did you see the man Simon from Cyrene

step forward to help lighten His load?

Body and mind of our Beloved Nazarene

broken, as He walked to earth’s final abode.


As He approached looked you into his eyes?

Saw you the depth of His love shining bright?

Eternal  flame against darkening skies,

guards pulling our Lord and His crossbeam upright.


As brutal nails tore through flesh, bone and sinew,

screamed you silently as your own flesh did splinter?

As wounds reopened and blood flowed anew,

did your bruised bark feel the Saviour’s salve enter?


Heard you the sobbing of the two Marys

as they stood to one side in your shadow?

Watching as drained our dear Lord’s energies,

His great gift to mankind about to bestow.


Did you feel him draw his very last breath

as the veil in the Temple was ripped in two?

His voice calling out to the Father in death,

wood soaking His cries as they resonated through.


As they flowed from His side, saw you water and blood

as the soldier of Rome sank home his sharp spear?

Felt you our Lord wash your feet in His flood,

at last this world’s agonies no longer to bear.


Wept you quietly as His poor  broken body

was lifted with love from your gentle caress?

Did you watch the guards with their actions bawdy

callously cast lots to divide up His dress.


Then as Joseph of Aramathea,

wrapped that dear body in purest of shrouds,

His Mother, Salome and Mary of Magdala,

anointed His form, well away from the crowds.


Did you watch this Treasure placed into the tomb?

Smell the sweet-scented spices suffusing the air?

As Jesus, whom Mary nurtured in her womb,

was laid to rest…this our Lord’s final prayer.


You must have felt like the cruel “Tree of Death”

watching this profound performance unfurl,

but know you carried the new Shibboleth,

divine living water and eternal heaven’s pearl.



Shibboleth : from the Hebrew, meaning ” flood, stream, also ear of corn”. ( ).

Also a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, especially a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important.  An old idea, opinion, or saying that is commonly believed and repeated but that may be seen as old-fashioned or untrue.

Among historians there is disagreement as to the precise method of Jesus’s crucifixion.  They varied considerably with location and time period and there were many different forms of painful execution : from impaling on a stake to affixing to a tree, to an upright pole ( a crux simplex ) or to a combination of an upright (in Latin, stipes ) and a crossbeam (in Latin, patibulum).

I have written this personal post-Easter reflection as if a roughly hewn tree /stake is sitting atop Golgotha Hill and awaiting Jesus and the crossbeam he is tied to, to come to the place of execution, the top of the Hill, where the crossbeam will then be lifted into place and affixed to the waiting upright wood, with nails hammered home where necessary.

This has been for me a spiritually deep and profound contemplation on the Passion and Suffering of Yeshua ben Yosef or in English, Jesus,son of Joseph.












34 thoughts on “Tree of Golgotha

      1. …a resurrection! At the moment this is the pattern…a brief emergence and then a brief divergence to do other things , and then back to WP again! Phew…still trying to balance it all together…Phew!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. This is so deeply touching, Krys. The passion of Christ so vividly shining through in every line. And what impresses me so much is you chose to talk about the tree that truly perhaps was the only being to have witnessed the suffering of the son of God, as he took the cross and bled for mankind with the tree soaking in his blood and tears.
    Profound to the core. You are one deep writer!
    P.S. this did not surface on my reader. But I’m glad I remembered you saying you’d be posting soon and so I came to your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nandita, I am touched and humbled by your comment…Thank you so much and Yes, this was a deep one to write. It has stirred me to the core…and is with me still…I seem to write in this style often… perhaps I need to lighten up a little, loosen up a wee bit? Grrrrrr…a wee bit disconcerting when you write something, post it up and no one can see it…Grrrrrrr!!! I am so grateful that you came to my Blog. I value and take your comments to heart, they mean much my friend. No Lune on the horizon yet…?! It is my husband’s Birthday this week end and Ruairi my son, John’s stepson, is cooking a lovely birthday meal…The smell of curry pervades the air as I write… 🙂 I now have Etheree and Lune queueing up behind me he he! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Krys, finally my WP is getting back on track. But too many comments and readings to catch up on. So this is just a quick thank you and you are most welcome more to my dear EMMP . ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Glad you have managed to resurface dear QLLP. As for catching up that is my permanent state he he! Take it slowly… Calmly…nothing to prove to anyone… we all understand on here! Poets are sensitive folk…..worry not and Best of Luck Nandita! 💟 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. …Just a quick note before I go off out to garden again. The gardening season has started in earnest with the good weather and since John’s Birthday we have been really busy…I just wanted to quickly check in on here and say a brief hello to assure folk that I have not disappeared…but can find no updates of your poems on my reader and am unable to go directly to your Blog site because of privacy settings etc. 😦 😦 Hoping all is well and I see you have been writing away and collaborating with Jon. Great things happening…and unfolding. I will keep up to date as and when I am able as I have found all your encouragement truly inspirational. Take good care 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. So glad to hear from you. I didn’t even have your email address. Couldn’t notify you. I’ve made my site private. Could you please go there directly and request access? I really want you in my circle. See you sooner than later. Missed you!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Hi Nandita. I have requested access and am waiting patiently….. and awaiting instructions. Looking forward to speaking again soon and being part of your circle. Will let you have my email address when I next speak with you…take good care and do so hope that all is well…? 🙂 💐

        Liked by 1 person

      6. …Thanks so much for granting me access into your wonderful inner sanctum!!!! I hope all is ok with you as I was a wee bit taken aback when I discovered you had gone private…Hope all runs smoothly now for you my dear…I think I have some poetry catch up to do now. It is always like this when I garden for other folk. Have to make the most of good, dry, weather. Missed you also over the past few days… ❤💐😊

        Liked by 1 person

      7. I couldn’t have done without having you there, Krys. You are one of my closest friends here. I’m thankful to you for choosing to be a part of my circle. Now hop on to my site 🙂 See you there. And i haven’t been writing much lately 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Aaaaaw bless you my dear for your dear heart and wonderful empathy. It is my deepest pleasure to accompany you on this poetic journey that we have embarked upon. Just about to hop onto your site…enough said on here! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a stunning testimony to the essence of our Christian faith. In the personification of the tree, on which Jesus once hung, you found the vehicle, through which you expressed your deepest thoughts, feelings and beliefs. To lend an authentic ring to the flow of words in the verses, you chose the shakespearean mode of word order, such as ‘heard you’, in stead of ‘did you hear’, which is still the correct form in the German language. The glossary with the reference to the Latin words about the cross is equally impressive. I will pass on your poem to the last Lutheran pastor we had in our now defunct congregation. THANK YOU, KRYSIA!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am deeply humbled and moved by this comment. This poem was my still and soulful meditation on the Passion of our Lord, the week after my intense service of organ playing for Holy Week…writing it has stirred me more than I realized at the time…I feel as if I am still with that “Man of Sorrows” and “Risen Lord”…thank you for observing my varied asking of the questions. I purposely did not use that old format every time as I did want a bit of variety and I really find that olde English language so attractive. How interesting that it is still the format in German for asking questions! Some good things never die out…!!! I am deeply moved and honoured that you choose to share this with your Lutheran pastor…thank you so so much. Our Pastor who died last year so so unexpectedly and left a huge hole in our congregation was also a Lutheran from Sweden…ministering to our little Episcopal church here in Lanark….Thank you Peter…I value and treasure these comments , greatly. The Joy and Blessings of our risen Lord be with you and all those that you love…Shalom. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, this is so moving and beautifully written and …. I never thought of his death from the viewpoint of the tree, the wood he was held by… so amazing. I picture that tree, that wood, holding him in honor and love, I see it feeling horribly sad but honored at the same time to have been the chosen one, as he was the chosen one, to hold his body in love as he died. so very powerful, brought tears to my eyes… thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. …your beautiful comment has brought tears to MY eyes my friend. Thank you so. My heart and soul are in this poem and your words fill me with so much joy. Thank you and I am so glad that you can see the tree in the same way that I did…Blessed Amens to you my dear and in all that you do. 💟 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. So deeply touching and I felt this poem so moving and incredible.

    I love these lines:

    As brutal nails tore through flesh, bone and sinew,

    screamed you silently as your own flesh did splinter?

    As wounds reopened and blood flowed anew,

    did your bruised bark feel the Saviour’s salve enter?

    Very deep and your questions are on track. I love this very much.


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