Snail sentience

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Our numbers are thriving, exploding, multiplying in fact,

And I’m loving this wet, damp, monsoon-like weather,

My muscular foot glides and slithers, gracefully undulating

And daily, I am perfecting my wavelike walk.

I have even overcome my fear of heights

And am getting more and more adventurous!

After all, this is rugged Munro country

And I am a Scottish snail…

Not one of those soft, Sassenach snails, south of the border!

My shell is made of sterner, stronger stuff!

Under cover, under the bright diffused light of a blue moon

I smell and sense my à la carte dinner

Tantalisingly and temptingly calling me across the wet garden.

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The choices of starter are endless and I am spoilt for choice…

Small, sweet, runner bean tips or soft, fleshy baby courgettes,

Succulent spinach leaves or pretty, frilly red leaved lettuce?


And if they think that a handful of crushed eggshells

And a threatening shiny strip of copper tape will stop me…


They ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

They haven’t seen me engage full throttle and give it some welly.

These humans lead such a bizarre busy restless life

That they didn’t even think to check last night…

…on the greenhouse door!

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Oh glorious yummy banquet…

Cucumbers and lots of them!

My eyes very nearly popped off the ends of my tentacles.

Free fodder for “Slimers”, just waiting there dangling enticingly.


And when I became aware of my mouth succumbing to repetitive strain,

I knew it was time for a delectable and delightful wee pudding.

The last remaining delicious delphinium wafted it’s scent

Across the soggy and boggy uncut lawn

And I wasted no time in making short shrift of those

Sugary syrupy deep blue petals and sweet juicy stems,

With my soft and sensitive but now tired and aching chompers.

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And now as the sun rises on the horizon

And I can just see  and feel the first rays warming my shell,

It is time to seek out and slither across to my preferred place of siesta,

Into the comforting arms of Angelica Archangelica.

Lots of them towering majestically around the garden this year,

Mother Nature’s own strategically placed bespoke hammocks.

Now that all those annoying, flying, buzzing things have gone

With the disappearance of those heady, intoxicating flowers,

I should be able to get a decent day’s sleep

Dreaming about what’s on offer on the menu tomorrow…

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On reflection, my peripheral vision did notice some mouth watering additions.

Some choice, carefully nurtured young Cosmos plants in pots,

Placed and arranged and added with care under the porch canopy.

Ah…another hard night’s work ahead of me tonight,

Better retract tentacles and get some shut-eye in quick!

Hope those pesky willow warblers have learnt some table manners

And don’t go dropping Angelica seed crumbs all over my shell!

P. S. Check out the very last photo in this poem

And you’ll see moi performing some dare-devil stunts

Whilst consuming that tasty little pud.

As they say in Glasgae : Pure, dead, brilliant!


Sassenach : A word used in Scotland for an English person. Derived from the Gaelic Sassunach, it originally meant of Saxon origin to describe Lowland non Gaelic speaking Scots.

Angelica Archangelica: A pungent aromatic very tall growing herb with thick, hollow stems, providing useful hidey holes for an assortment of insects. So named because it flowers around the time of the Feast of St. Michael, the Archangel, at the beginning of May.

To make short shrift of something : to work quickly.

To give it some welly : to apply great physical effort to something.

A quick note to all my WordPress Followers : I sincerely hope that you are all enjoying a most happy and healthy and invigorating Summer! I have never ever known such a wet Summer in my life, and as my husband and I are self employed gardeners, these last few weeks have been challenging, to say the least! The slightest chink of sun and we rush out to work on other folks’ gardens. When not working on theirs, I am trying to keep on top of my own, along with all of life’s other commitments. The weather is indeed teaching us many lessons…

Please bear with me if I have failed to keep up with all of your new blogs and there is a distinct lack of my presence on here. It is not for one minute that I have forgotten you, rather work and commitments have pushed the Blogging into a subordinate position.  Also, I have never seen so many slugs and snails in the garden, but then they adore all this wet weather, hence I was driven to write the poem that I have just posted.

Late Autumn and Winter months, shorter, colder days and long, dark nights will be just perfect for writing Blogs! In the meantime I shall dip in and out as and when I am able. My Best Wishes to you all…

34 thoughts on “Snail sentience

    1. Ha ha ha très amusant! Il peut prendre des anneé pour un Français à manger tous les escargots dans ce jardin. Bon Appétit et Merci mon ami. Yep…the garden is blooming and a veritable jungle right now with all that rain. More showers to come today so gotta get out in between showers when we can!
      Regards also from MM.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Non, the only French I know is a few swear words and “I love you”…! I must say, though, we got by just fine in Paris last year with bonjour and merci, not half as bad as we were told! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Lol…then you have all the vocabulary that is needed in Paris lol! It is a beautiful City…I spent 2 weeks camping in the Bois de Boulogne as a student and walked round the whole of Paris, even taking in Versailles…magical! Your mention of escargot brought back fond memories. ! MM has written to you on this thread…I think you might be amused. Does it make sense? Take care… 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Krystyna –
    It is amazing to me how you create such clear and beautiful word images. I’m sorry to read here about all the rain – but being so very positive – keeps the damp from entering one’s heart. Here’s to brighter gardening days ahead!
    Have a wondrous (and hopefully drier) Tuesday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so a.m. For your encouraging comments…it helps to give me the incentive to keep writing more…still quite new to all this!
      Yesterday we did manage to garden and I even got our own grass cut and tidied…success! We are shortly driving down to Lancaster to pick up my 84 year old mother in law and bring her up to Scotland for 3 weeks or so. We have not seen her for a year and she is very nearly blind…so I shall probably be indoors a little more…your wishes for dry weather worked, thank you for that! You too a.m. Keep drawing and painting and writing and doing what you do so beautifully…take care xx 🙂


      1. You’re most certainly welcome. It’s funny, my husband – also in the gardening business – has been working in the sweltering heat for weeks now – he’d love nothing but cooling rain. Though it is understood, sometimes one can have too much of a good thing. I’m glad the rains eased up for you.
        Enjoy your mother-in-law’s visit – hope it all goes well. It will be extra work – but you seem to have boundless energy. 🙂 My husband is 1/4: Danish, English, Norwegian, Scottish 🙂
        Come the end of September, my 82 year old, mother-in-law will be moving in with us. You and I have many parallels, it’s funny – though I have 4 less children than you. I’m not that brave!
        You have a lovely day and I thank you for your kind words as well.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Gosh…lots of parallels! Please tell your dear husband commiserations on there bring no rain…he can have some of ours lol! We have had torrential rain and showers all Summer…but today is glorious so off out to work soon. Mother in law here now and getting settled, slowly. Takes time. That is a huge, selfless, commitment having your mum in law to stay permanently…a huge undertaking and change to your life. I wish you every good wish and many blessings…lots of patience to weave everything into your life that you would wish to, with all the extra work and care you will undertake. It is a brave and courageous move…my thoughts are with you. Your husband has a good mix of nationalities…how very interesting! Scots and English and some Scandinavian…off to garden soon, take care and have a bright, cheery week end. Thanks also for your time, my friend. 🙂 xx


      3. Glad you finally had a break in the dampness 🙂 Enjoy the visit and I hope it all goes well for you – I’ve no doubt it will 🙂
        Yes, things will change around my home, but we’ll make it work. We’re going to have to start moving things pretty soon – as I’ve got much ‘crap’ 😉 in my studio to be moved out.
        My ‘mixed-nationality’ husband comes from a long line of tall people. I’m all Italian. It’s funny, both my folks are tall, yet, their extended families are on the short side – as are many Italians…
        I hope you have another beautiful day of gardening.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. It makes for an interesting life and connections…all those influences. Your Italian heritage sounds fascinating. I conjure up sunny days, olive groves, fine wines, awesome food, chilled out lifestyles…would love to go to Italy one day. Have you been?
        Good luck with the moving around and clearing out of accumulated stuff! I too hoard up far too much. It will be a most appreciated labour of love, I am sure…good luck with it all. ‘Tis a new chapter in your Lifebook!
        So far visit going smoothly…and last 2 days managed to get out and garden as weather has been warm and sunny. John’s mum can be left alone for a few hours as long as she is safe and has all she needs to hand, nearly blind you see…
        Overcast today, time to catch up with household stuff! You never know may even have time to write a blog !!! Take care, keep happy! 🙂 K x


      5. Here’s to new chapters!
        Sadly, I haven’t been to Italy YET – my husband and I dream/hope and continue to do so – get both kiddies off to school then it’s TRAVELING time. My folks on the other hand have been to Italy several times. We have family over there still 🙂
        Glad all is going well for you and your special visitor 🙂


    1. Thank you so for your lovely comment! Indeed, the damp and rain has made it all very lush looking and wild! Sorry, no kilts on the snails…even tho they chomp away at everything I cannot destroy such beautiful creatures…or any living thing for that matter! Your comment was much appreciated…take care and have a cheery day… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so, Brenda! Glad you liked the pics! I don’t have any toads…how lovely to have lots! Toads, frogs, slugs and snails…we all must learn to live in and share the same wee space together! Hope you’re having a lovely Summer! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You’ve got a beautiful garden and wish you all the best with your gardening ventures ! Hope to see you here whenever you can make it to this blogging land 🙂

    Have a wonderful week ahead 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for your very lovely comment…you are just too kind. Today is a glorious looking day so we will definitely be gardening. Yes, I will come on here and blog whenever possible…and catch up with all your blogs too, soon I hope on a rainy day! Take care, keep well and happy! 🙂


  3. Hi Krys, those all are beautiful pictures. I can tell, you are really passionate about gardening. I want to have at least one thing too that I passionate about, but haven’t found one yet. So, I think you are pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing the view of your beautiful garden, Krys!:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I have some special flower pics that I want to post up from the garden, but first one or two more blogs that have come into my head…you too will discover your passions and hobbies over time…you kind of “grow” into them…you will see. Lovely talking with you and take care… 🙂


    1. Hello! I have woken up… trying to be active again…all be it very tentatively.I do hope this finds you well and happy and I will catch up with followers’ blogs over the course of time. Thank you so much for your last lovely comment. I hope the poem I have posted today will kind of explain where I have been… I will try and bring more balance into my life where I do have time and stillness and silence to enable me to be creative. I now realise that you cannot get caught up with the demands of this world to the extent where there is no time to be creative. Apologies for the sudden disappearance and my good wishes to you… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love the term Blogosphere … Makes me laugh, don’t know why? Perhaps because it doesn’t sound real, but it IS real… But kind of ethereal! Am I talking double Dutch… ? You and I both trying to be regular again, but I think the danger can be as with anything, it can become obsessive…and then you can feel guilty for not regularly writing or following! Gently does it Himali…after all it is Winter…everything sleeps! 💤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes…it is Scotland, very well done! Windy and rainy here today and very mild for this time of year…trying hard not to get too caught up in the consumerism of Christmas and keep sight of the true message! Tough when there is so much around and all the shelves are dripping in more goods than you know what to do with! World’s gone crazy…totally out of balance… Enough doom and gloom! We are all fine, really…good wishes to you also on this dark, December morning! 🙂 x


  4. I read it again. This time more carefully. What a rich, lovely poem; and your pictures, touch me in a special way.I just imagine what a joy it could be if one were able to tour the world and see how it really looks like in some places. I am particularly interested in the home that is right inside with flowers bordering on both sides of the little path that leads to it. It’s beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanking you so much my friend…what beautiful words and I would hope that inside the home is a place of harmony, peace and an enjoyment of having been given this gift of life! What heartfelt words…and I too would like to one day see parts of the world that I can only imagine at the moment…thank you. 🙂


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